Sunday, December 28, 2008

Developing story

The Sunday New York Times is the latest to stop for a second and say, "Hey, this cool thing is about to go away, won't you miss it?" with a look at the coming end of Polaroid film. The piece contains some nice insight on Walker Evans' and Andy Warhol's use of the cameras. Read all about it, here.

Photo: Molly Jasper with balloon

Buenos Aires, 2008

We spent a week in Buenos Aires before Christmas. It's hard to capture the flavor of a city with 14 million people living in it in just one week. But I concentrated on my usual suspects and subjects -- the people I was traveling with enjoying themselves, local monuments and architecture, street scenery and assorted modes of transportation. The city had a Paris/Rome/New York vibe with a little Mexico grit to hold it all together. Check out the whole big set over on flickr, as usual.